Martinez Area CERT

Are you ready for an emergency?
The CERT program offers valuable insight into the first few critical hours following an emergency and how individuals can become empowered to better prepare to sustain themselves, their families, and their committees. Martinez Area CERT members can provide critical support to first responders, give immediate assistance to victims, and organize spontaneous volunteers at a disaster site. Our team also assist with non-emergency projects and are often called upon by the Martinez Police Department to help with community events and actions.
Our free Basic Training Program educates people about disaster preparedness for hazards that may impact their area, and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations.
The free instructor-led course consists of 25 hours of instruction on topics such as Personal and Family Preparedness, Earthquake Preparation, Team Organization, Medical Operations and Triage, Damage Assessment, Fire Suppression, Utility Control, and Light Search & Rescue. To practice, assess, and improve emergency response and on-the-ground operations we conclude with two drills. These exercises were developed according to national guidance and principles outlined by the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program. We also offer a supplemental exercise to practice field-work radio skills.
Free 2025 Spring Basic Training Classes start March 2025.
The Basic Training session is 8 classes .Classes are held Wednesday evenings, 6pm-9:30pm, at the Martinez Senior Center, 818 Green St, Martinez.
Basic Training concludes with three Saturday exercises to practice new skills. These exercises will be held at the City Hall Complex, 525 Henrietta St. Martinez. Both current and former students are welcome. Dates to be announced.
- Basic Radio Skills
Train how to properly operate FRS/GMRS radios for use in a drill or disaster response. - CERT Basic Training Practical Review 8AM – 12PM
This is an optional exercise for CERT graduates to practice new skills! - CERT Disaster Drill Exercise 8AM – 1PM
This is a drill exercise for Disaster Service Worker (DSW) candidates.
We also offer continuing education classes so members can keep those learned skills sharp.
With the goal providing useful information and guidance for the entire community, we offer Summer Mini Classes held at the Martinez Senior Center, 818 Green St, Martinez.
Our summer program line-up for 2025.
All classes are on a Saturday, 9-11 AM. Dates for 2025 will be available soon. If you are interested in attending any of our classes let us know!
Wildfire Preparedness
Personal Emergency Preparedness “PEP”
Earthquake Hazard Mitigation “Secure Your Space”
Disaster Resilience for Businesses
Get alerted about emergencies and other important community news by signing up for Martinez Alerts. This system enables The City of Martinez to provide you with critical information quickly in a variety of situations, such as severe weather, unexpected road closures, police activity, missing persons and evacuations of buildings or neighborhoods. You may specify your home, mobile or business phones, email address, text messages and more.
The Contra Costa County Community Warning System (CWS) is one of the nation’s most modern and effective all-hazard public warning systems. CWS is an all-hazards system designed to alert the community of an emergency through multiple communication tools. CWS is generally not used for traffic alerts. Sign up to receive important alerts from CWS here.
Be prepared for wildfires that may affect your home. Know when to act and what action to take. These notices are issued for a Zone with an evacuation status. Find out your home’s zone at CWS Know Your Zone . Zone Aware is now called Genasys Protect. Learn more here.
California EOS provides alerts and messaging with critical information. Don’t let earthquakes catch you off guard! Seconds of advance warning can provide opportunity to take life-saving actions. Register for California Earthquake Early Warning. Wireless Emergency Services (WEA) is a nation-wide system providing lifesaving information for the State of California sent by state and local public officials. Register for these free services at Cal OES Alerts .
SHAKE ALERT – MyShake Earthquake Early Warning
Seconds count! Download MyShake iOS/Android. Available in California, Oregon, and Washington.
Visit our Resources page for more!