Do you know how to turn off your water main? Your gas main? How about how to shut down all power to your home? These skills may be very good to know in the event of a disaster. We offer a brief overview here.

Are you aware of your pets? Of course you are! Are you aware that they need Go Bags too? If you need to evacuate you’ll need to grab enough essentials for one to three days. Preparing a Pet Go Bag ahead of time will be a huge help. Summertime is outdoor fun time – your pets can have fun with you – just follow a few safety tips!

Don’t let an earthquake catch you off guard! Prepare now for the quake that will happen – and never when you expect it.

It’s not luck that will help keep you and your family safe in a disaster. You need to get your shamrocks organized and prepare! We offer training, and Free Mini Summer Classes!