
Get Alerts

  • Register with Martinez Alerts to get alerts from The City of Martinez about severe weather, unexpected road closures, police activity, missing persons and evacuations of buildings or neighborhoods.
  • Register with the CWS for address-based updates on all-hazard matters. CWS is not used for traffic alerts.
  • PulsePoint can immediately inform you of emergencies occurring in your community such as fires, flooding, utility emergencies, and traffic collisions.
  • Register with the Watch Duty app to receive alerts of nearby wildfires and firefighting efforts.
  • Get earthquake alerts at the MyShake app for magnitude 4.5 and higher in California, Oregon and Washington. Read more.
  • You may download our Alerts Safety Tip flyer with these and many other reliable sources.

Make a Plan

Build a Kit

Be Prepared

Know Your Risks


Reliable Information

Responding in a Disaster

What is CERT?

CERT Volunteers in Action