Earthquake Hazard Risk Mitigation

Earthquake Hazard Risk Mitigation

Here are the slides for our EQHM (Earthquake Hazard Risk Mitigation at Home) presentation that we held on September 2, 2021.  We periodically offer these quick, 2 hour classes to inform and educate neighborhoods about Earthquake Hazards at Home. Check back here for class dates in 2022!

What you will learn:

  • Why you need to Secure Your Space
  • Sources of non-structural earthquake hazard risk within living spaces
  • Approaches to reducing and mitigating the risk of non-structural earthquake hazards
  • Examples of products to help you Secure Your Space
  • Installation Do’s and Don’ts
  • DIY Resources

Follow us on our website and Social Media (Facebook, Instagram & Twitter) for links to our online and in-person classes.  We look forward to having you join us!